How to distribute a podcast to Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, and other platforms?

Currently there’s a pretty decent 50/50 split between audiences using Apple or Spotify for their podcast listening needs and desires. If you can, don’t limit your potential to just one platform, especially when you can grow nearly 100% just by adding another platform.

Podcast Hosting

Your podcast will need hosting; similar to your website needing hosting. A better example would be videos: sure you could upload your videos to your website, but using YouTube to host your videos and then embedding them on your website is much better and beneficial. YouTube is optimized to serve videos seemingly without load time and with great quality. YouTube also has it’s own online audience of people browsing for videos and information. Your podcast host serves as an optimized library that can provide what’s called an RSS feed that you can submit to multiple podcast platforms such as Apple or Spotify.

Libsyn and Blubrry are pretty popular for hosting podcasts.

Submit your podcast feed to Apple

Apple is the largest listening ecosystem for audiences and nearly all podcasting apps search the iTunes Directory for new podcast feeds to include on their platforms.

All you need is an Apple ID and password and you can then submit your RSS feed to Apple here.

Submit your podcast feed to Spotify

You’ll need to maintain a submission portal with an analytics dashboard that you can access here.

Submit your podcast feed to Stitcher

You’ll need to register for a Content Provider account and follow the steps to submit your podcast here.

Submit your podcast to other platforms

You mainly just need your RSS feed address from your podcast host to be able to submit your podcast to any other platforms.

Posted in

Gina Stricklind

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